Patron Code of Conduct Policy

Welcome to the Cattaraugus Free Library. In order to provide an appropriate library environment and to insure constructive use of the library facilities, materials, and services as well as the safety and personal comfort of all our library patrons and staff, the library board of trustees has adopted the following rules and regulations which will be in effect at all times during regularly scheduled hours. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations may be asked to leave the library’s premises. if anyone continuously breaks the rules and regulations that person may be banned from the library and/or prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The library board has the right to amend the patron code of conduct policy at any time, without notice.


  1. Patrons shall engage in activities associated with the use of a public library. Patrons not reading, studying or using library materials, computers, attending library programs or approved community events may be required to leave the building.
  2. Patrons should accept that library staff are unable to spend a considerable length of time assisting or talking to any one patron. Be prepared to surrender materials of equipment for someone waiting to use them if your time is up.
  3. Patrons shall not assault, harass or annoy others in the library. This includes noisy or boisterous activities, staring at another person with the intent to annoy that person, following another person about the building with the intent to annoy that person, playing audio equipment so that others can hear it singing, laughing or talking loudly to others or in monologues, using foul, offensive or threatening language and gestures, engaging in sexual misconducts, exposure, inappropriate touching, or sexual harassment of other patrons, staff or volunteers, sale or exchange of alcohol or drugs, running, pushing, jumping, climbing and fighting, displaying print or non-printed material of an offensive nature to others or by behaving in a manner that can be reasonably expected to disturb others. In addition, sleeping, stalking, soliciting, loitering, littering, petitioning or distributing materials inside the library that have not been approved by the library or bringing in weapons are prohibited.
  4. Patrons shall not photograph, film or record other patrons without their consent. If a patron does not wish to be photographed by staff for advertising purposes they are to notify the staff at the circulation desk.
  5. The library requires all individuals to set their cell phones to no-ring (vibrate mode) or a low ring tone upon entering the library. Individuals needing to use a cell phone to make or receive calls while in the library must keep voices at a reasonable level so as not to disturb other library patrons or take their call in the back room or outside. In addition, pagers or other electronic devises must be turned down and used in a manner that does not disturb others.
  6. The library prohibits the use of any tobacco product that is intended for oral or nasal use, or any other combustible substance in any manner or in any form or the heating or ignition of a e-cigarette which creates a vapor.
  7. Patrons may not utilize the library while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  8. Non-alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the library if they are in screw capped containers that cannot spill, as long as you are not near the computers. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the library. Food may only be eaten in our back room.
  9. Patrons shall not engage in any illegal activity while in the library building. (example, illegal gambling, stealing). Persons whose actions violate state or local la will be prosecuted.
  10. Patrons shall not interfere with the use of the library by other customers or with library employee’ performance of their duties.
  11. Patrons shall not deface or mar library material including books, magazines, newspapers, recordings or other items of the library collection. Nor shall they deface, mar or in any way destroy or damage library furnishings, walls, machines, or other library property.
  12. The library cannot assume responsibility for the care and supervision of children. Parents and caregivers of children 7 and under are to remain in the library at all times, including when a child is in a library program. Parents and caregivers are expected to supervise the behavior of their children. All toys and games must be picked up and put away when you are done with them.
  13. In accordance with school attendance laws, and in support of education, children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the library during school hours, unless accompanied by a parent, teacher, or legal guardian.
  14. Patrons shall not enter the building without appropriate clothing including a shirt and shoes. Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to other customers or library staff may be required to leave the building.
  15. Patrons shall not bring pet or animals into the library, other that properly identified service animals that aid the physically challenged and for programming purposes.
  16. Knives with blades longer than 3″ and guard dogs are not allowed in the library. No guns or concealed weapons are allowed in the library, unless the person carrying is a police officer.
  17. Any materials removed from the library must be checked out on a valid library card or through other standard library procedures such as inter-library loan.
  18. Unauthorized use of the library’s computer network or failure to comply with the library’s Internet Use Policy may result in suspension of library privileges.
  19. A library patron who deliberately alters a library computer database or destroys computer equipment will forfeit all library privileges, and will be subject to financial liability for damages and may be subject to criminal penalties.
  20. Patrons are not allowed behind the service desk or in other areas marked for employees only, no blocking entrances, exits or library aisles so that access to library materials and services is prevented.
  21. Wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers may be used inside the library. Other wheeled vehicles such as scooters, bicycles, wagons etc. are to be left outside the library.
  22. All oversized handbags, carryalls, luggage, packages, and shopping bags are subject to inspection by library staff. The storage of personal items in the library is prohibited and personal belongs should not be left unattended. The library is not responsible for your lost or stolen items.
  23. In cases of disruptive behavior patron identification including name, address and phone number, may be requested.
  24. Any patron not abiding by these regulations of the library may be required to leave the library premises and may forfeit his or her library privileges. Library employees will contact the police if deemed advisable.
  25. The library board of trustees authorizes library staff and law enforcement officers to enforce the library’s published code of conduct policy up to and including long-term suspension of library privileges, permanent banning from the library or prosecution.
  26. A patron whose privileges have been suspended or revoked may have the decision reviewed by the board of trustees.
  27. Persons entering or refusing to leave the building after being evicted or banned will be charged with trespassing.  Patrons shall respect the rights of others patrons.
  28. Patrons are encouraged to report disruptive individuals to the staff. Concerns should also be brought to the attention of the staff. We welcome comments and suggestions from the public.

Adopted 2/11/2021