
August 28, 2024

Call the meeting to order at 4:30 pm

Roll Call

Public Expressions

Approval of prior minutes

Treasurer’s report

Director’s report

Old business

New Business


Cattaraugus Free Library Board Minutes                                7/24/2024

Meeting was called to order by President Edward Erhart at 4:25 pm

In attendance: Ed Erhart, Sue Gilman, Sandy Blood, Allison Girod, Heather Gogel, Gretchen Walker, Tyler Soderlund

A motion was made by Allison and 2nd by Sue to accept the Secretaries report as written – Carried

A motion was made by Sandy and 2nd by Gretchen to accept the May and June treasures reports as written. Carried

We have been advised by our payroll company to leave unemployment as is Sue spoke with them and has information on this.

A motion was made by Sandy, 2nd by Allison to roll over our CD’s in the Cattaraugus County Bank – Carried

A motion was made by Allison, 2nd by Heather to accept the director report as written. – Carried

Old Business –   Summer reading is going well but our partnership did not go well will be doing everything here next year.

Shipo has approved our elevator project with no changes we have received the acceptance letter.

The intent to apply paperwork for the NYS grant is due on 8/14/2024

The out door access pit is here the wiring people will be coming back to install it and to finish the wiring.

New Business –  We have a new employee Sara Bell that started on Monday 7/22/2024, she will be replacing Jazmin who is leaving to go back to school full time.

A motion was made by Sue, 2nd by Allison to approve Sara Bell as a new employee, and to change the Saturday hours from 10 to 1 to 10 to 2 giving us 4 hours on Saturdays. – Carried

We received a check from the Village of Cattaraugus for the amount of $7500.00

A motion was made by Sue, 2nd by Sandy to up the internet speed – carried.

Our next meeting is on August 28, 2024. Reports are due by the 19th of August.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Submitted by Sandy Blood